About Iron Goat Workshop

This site is a place for our shop to track the progress of various projects we have going on in the workshop.  I, like many of you, am very good at starting projects but not so good at finishing them.  By posting my progress here, in some small way I hope it can keep me accountable as well as share anything I have learned with others who might be considering similar projects.

Who is “We”?

We is mostly me, but it also includes friends, family and others I have met along the way that have helped me in some small or large way.  Without their help, I would not be able to accomplish a fraction of what I have done.  I am deeply grateful to the many people I have encountered along the way that have partially restored my faith in humanity. From shop owners who have taken time out of their busy day to chat on the phone with me and answer questions, to the owner that came in to the office on his one day off to sell me a bike and give me a tour of his shop, I have encountered some truly great people along the way. Of course there has been the occasional dirt bag, but they have been few and far between.